4-6 Month Milestones Checklist

*Remember each baby will reach the milestones when he/she is ready. If your baby has not reached all of these milestones by 6 months do not worry as it may occur in the next month. Talk to your doctor and see how you can help encourage your baby..
- Reaches for toys while on stomach
- Holds head up steady and unsupported
- Transfers toys from one hand to another while laying on back
- Plays with feet with both hands while laying on back
- Uses hands to support self while sitting
- Rolls from stomach to back
- Uses both hands to explore toys
- Generally a happy baby
- Brings objects to mouth
- Able to be calm when rocking, touching, and gentle sounds
- Not upset with everyday noises
- Makes different kinds of sounds to express themselves
- Uses babbling to get attention
- Listens when spoken to
- Reacts to sudden noises or sounds
- Notices toys that make noises
- Shows interest in food
- Opens mouth as spoon approaches
- Starts to eat baby cereals and pureed foods
- Moves pureed food from front to back of mouth