Pregnancy Classes

Whether this is your first child or your fifth child, finding classes that fit your family is always important. With guidelines always changing it's important to keep up with what doctors are recommending. It's also important to just get an update on items that you may have forgotten about. Below are some classes that we would recommend taking.
CPR - Infant/Child - this is the class I would recommend taking if you only want to take one class. This will help you prepare for the moment your child is choking or stops breathing. The one thing I remember from taking this class is the instructor stating it's not "if" you need to know the skills, it's more of a "when" you are going to need these skills. It's also important to have other caregivers that will be with your child to take this class.
Baby Essentials - this class will help you prepare for your baby. It will teach you the basic skills (i.e. swaddling, changing diapers, feeding, etc.) for you to take care of your baby as he/she grows. This class will also tell you if there have been any changes that pediatricians have made in taking care of a baby.
Breastfeeding - this class will teach you the different ways you can breastfeed your baby and the benefits. Most hospitals have an in-person class or an on-line class (which is normally free).
Childbirth - this class will tell you what you can experience with your childbirth. You will learn different breathing exercises to help with the pain that comes with contractions. It will also teach you the different medications the hospital may give you to help with the pain. The important part to take away from this class is there are different ways you can deliver your baby and this class will help you find out which way you and your family want to go (i.e. home birth, women centers, hospitals).
Sibling Class - to help your children prepare for the new addition to your family. Some hospitals may not offer this class but you should be able to google sibling classes to find one near you.
Hospital Tour - now this is not a class BUT this is highly important to do. This will teach you what to do when you come to the hospital when you're in labor. Trust me, the last thing you want to do is go to a hospital and not be prepared on where to go and what actions need to happen before they take you to your room. The hospital where I delivered my baby ran similar to a hotel, to where you have to check-in and fill out paper work before you were allowed to be admitted. Two things to remember: 1) if you are in active labor and the baby is about to make his/her appearance, then the hospital will admit you before you fill out the paper work and 2) most hospitals will let you pre-register ahead of time so you are not waiting - I would highly recommend doing this.
CPR - Infant/Child - this is the class I would recommend taking if you only want to take one class. This will help you prepare for the moment your child is choking or stops breathing. The one thing I remember from taking this class is the instructor stating it's not "if" you need to know the skills, it's more of a "when" you are going to need these skills. It's also important to have other caregivers that will be with your child to take this class.
Baby Essentials - this class will help you prepare for your baby. It will teach you the basic skills (i.e. swaddling, changing diapers, feeding, etc.) for you to take care of your baby as he/she grows. This class will also tell you if there have been any changes that pediatricians have made in taking care of a baby.
Breastfeeding - this class will teach you the different ways you can breastfeed your baby and the benefits. Most hospitals have an in-person class or an on-line class (which is normally free).
Childbirth - this class will tell you what you can experience with your childbirth. You will learn different breathing exercises to help with the pain that comes with contractions. It will also teach you the different medications the hospital may give you to help with the pain. The important part to take away from this class is there are different ways you can deliver your baby and this class will help you find out which way you and your family want to go (i.e. home birth, women centers, hospitals).
Sibling Class - to help your children prepare for the new addition to your family. Some hospitals may not offer this class but you should be able to google sibling classes to find one near you.
Hospital Tour - now this is not a class BUT this is highly important to do. This will teach you what to do when you come to the hospital when you're in labor. Trust me, the last thing you want to do is go to a hospital and not be prepared on where to go and what actions need to happen before they take you to your room. The hospital where I delivered my baby ran similar to a hotel, to where you have to check-in and fill out paper work before you were allowed to be admitted. Two things to remember: 1) if you are in active labor and the baby is about to make his/her appearance, then the hospital will admit you before you fill out the paper work and 2) most hospitals will let you pre-register ahead of time so you are not waiting - I would highly recommend doing this.
Mama Facts