Baby's Sleep
This is the topic most parents cringe to think about when it comes to newborns and how much they need. Some parents like to keep their baby on a schedule when it comes to sleeping at night or naps while some parents will just let their baby tell you when he/she is tired. Either way, it is important that your baby is getting the correct amount of sleep. Most babies grow and develop in their sleep.
How Much Sleep does a Baby Need
*Each baby is different. This is a gauge for you to follow.
Signs your Baby is Sleepy
- Yawning
- Rubbing eyes
- Fussy
- Looking away
- Pulling at ears
- Boredom with toys
It is important not to get your baby overly tired. If your baby does become over tired, then he/she may have a hard time falling asleep. Take 10-15 minutes to calm your baby. Take him/her to a dark room, read a book in a dim lit room, or hold/rock your baby until he/she calms down.
Use these tips to help your baby sleep and keep him/her asleep.